Monday, May 18, 2020

Gilgameshs True Identity Essay - 1145 Words

Gilgameshs True Identity Gilgamesh, who was made perfect physically, with all of the wisdom and secrets of the gods, shows he is not perfectly made on the inside as he struggles to find his true purpose and identity in the Epic of Gilgamesh. He, who proves good at heart in the conclusion of the epic, does not know why he was created and is frustrated at his mortal third in his early life. Made to bring strength and prosperity to the mortals of Uruk as an honorable king, Gilgamesh must first go on a journey to find out his true identity and mature along the way. Whether it is for everlasting life, fame, or his desire to be king- Gilgamesh searches for his true identity and purpose throughout the†¦show more content†¦After Enkidus passing, Gilgamesh develops a fear for death, believing his fate will be like that of his friend. When Siduri confronts Gilgamesh, he makes clear his overwhelming fear of death from Enkidu. Because of my brother I am afraid of death, because of my brother I stray through the wilderness and cannot rest. But now, young woman, maker of wine, since I have seen your face do not let me see the face of death which I dread so much. She answered, Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. (102 Epic of Gilgamesh) After being told this, Gilgamesh still will not accept this fate, his fear of death and longing for eternal life too strong in his heart. Utnapishtim puts Gilgamesh to a test to become a god and upon failing, he begins to realize he is not worthy to be a god or have everlasting life. Again he is denied everlasting life when the serpent snatches the flower that restores youth from Gilgameshs grasp. After Gilgamesh is denied everlasting life when the serpent snatches the flower that restores youth from his grasp, the realization that he will never be immortal comes over him and he begins his journey home. Upon arrival to the city of Uruk, Gilgamesh swells with prideShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 932 Words   |  4 Pagespermanence. The opening lines 1-23 from Tablet 1 of the poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh, introduce us to the ancient Sumerian hero, Gilgamesh. These lines are arresting for their directness and simplicity; they briefly outline the ensuing tales of Gilgamesh’s adventures and achievements and emphasize the hero’s extraordinarily vigorous and powerful nature. The introduction hints at a more personal journey, one in which the hero â€Å"came a far road, was weary, found peace† (1,9) suggesting that GilgameshRead MoreThe Iliad, Odyssey, And Epic Of Gilgamesh1466 Words   |  6 PagesPolyphemos cave. 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