Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ethics of Care Which is Also Known as Feminist Ethics - 825 Words

Ethics of Care: Which is Also Known as Feminist Ethics (Coursework Sample) Content: Care EthicsStudentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameInstitution AffiliationDateCare EthicsEthics of care, which is also known as feminist ethics, endeavors to "keep up connections by contextualizing and advancing the prosperity of parental figures and care recipients within a system of social relations" (Staudt, 2011, para. 1). In many circumstances, it is often considered a virtue rather than a theory. As such, feminist ethics endeavors to address the importance of ourselves and other humans. It entails taking care of the subordinates and the defenseless. Additionally, it is enlivened by recollections of receiving care and the sense of self-pride. Therefore, the care ethics approach confirms the essence of inspiration, emotional feelings, and reasoning.Feminist ethics was first enunciated via Carol Gilligan and Nel Noddings in the 1980s. When she was a student at Harvard, Gilligan wrote an alternative way of moral improvement than the one written by Lawrence Kohlberg. Interestingly, Kohlberg had set that ethical advancement logically moved towards a universalized thinking and had additionally found that when women were incorporated to take part in his studies, the males outperformed them. It is at this point that Gilligan opposed the Kohlbergà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s model and claimed it was gender-biased. As such, she came with the argument that both men and ladies explained the voice of care at separate times. However, she noticed that the voice of care in the absence of women would almost drop out of their studies.The other scholar who contributed to feminist ethics was Nel Noddings. Notably, she argued that the aspect of caring relationships was paramount to human existence and consciousness. Additionally, she argued that there were two parties in that relationship (the one offering care and the one receiving care). However, it is important to note that the receiver had to enjoy such care according to the terms of the caregiver.From the ethics of care point of view, one of the dilemmas includes Gender generalization or stereotype. It entails convictions about innate qualities, human characteristic, and the accepted behavior for both men and women; that is, practices characterize roles. However, generalizations about gender are convictions and states of mind about manliness and womanliness (, 2004, p. 160). For instance, the ideas of gender role and generalization are interconnected. At the point when individuals relate a particular behavior for either ladies or men, they might ignore unique cases and come to the deductions that a particular behavior is connected to a specific gender role. Hence, gender roles outfit the material for generalizations.Gender stereotypes have an immense influence on how men and women live in the contemporary world. For instance, they have a direct effect on how we view and think of both men and women, and how such stereotypes bring about social stratification with regards to gender. Additionally, such class ification according to gender shows how people think and the level of detachment with reality. Therefore such convictions are used to make people judge themselves, and other people. As such, peoplesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ beliefs, history, and the level of the stereotype are essential aspects in comprehending the effect of gender on our lives.Apparently, one of the most notable factor that contributes to the dilemma is the masculinity factor. For instance, the element of violence and aggression in men is supposed to reflect a strong individual. Secondly, male and female stereotypes are different among cultures. However, some beliefs such as women are weak is considered to be true among most communities all over the globe (while in the real sense it may not be the case). As such, it is the reason instances of insufficient representation of women in leadership continue to arise. Therefore, it is imperative to consider that gender stereotype does not depend on biological factors only (such as horm onal makeup and physiological attributes) but also the widely held beliefs across the globe among communities.As a consequence, Ethics of care intervenes as a way to deal with individual and social, great quality that moves moral contemplations to context, and emotional information in a way that must be thoroughly comprehended if care's typified dimension is perceived. As such, care ethics is focused on thriving and development of people, yet it recognizes our relationships and interdependence (Staudt, 2011, para. 15).Likewise, ethics of care of is seen as a passionate approach that entails addressing the requirements of one individual by another. At this point, a close and personal connection at the time of care is a critical component of general action, and where the need cannot in any way, shape or form be met by the individual in need themselves. Therefore, one can deduce that the ethics of care approach is essential in that it comprehensivel...

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